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Does C5K 125 - 24 Switch support hard setting speed to 100 Mbps?

Does C5K 125 - 24 Switch support hard setting speed to 100 Mbps?

New Contributor
I want to hard set speed to 100 Mbps FD/HD in C5K 125 - 24 switch. I have entered the below commands in CLI,
set port speed ge.1.1 100
set port duplex ge.1.1 full
set port negotiation ge.1.1 disable

After entering the commands, the Port link goes down and unable to connect to the device.
Does this switch supports hard setting the speed to 10/100 or auto negotiation is mandatory for Gigabit.
Model: C5K 125 - 24
Switch Firmware 6.71

New Contributor
You could try and disable advertising gig speed.
Clear port advertise ge.1.1 1000tfd

Honored Contributor
Here a article to the question...

You'd check the port with "show port status".

Why is it a switch problem ? What about the device that you connect to port ge.1.1
What kind of device is it and is it also set to auto-neg disabled, 100/full

New Contributor III
When you disable the neg. you also disable mid-x, means that you now have to use the corect cable (cross cat 5 for interswitch connect for example)