Thanks the main Problem is solved - the 2 switch are in the stack now!
But the wrong switch is master. I define the X670 as master (via a higher prio and the switch himself have a higher imprtance to be master).
So why is now the X460 the master ?
Here the output of the stacking:
Slot-1 Stack.1 > sh stacking
Stack Topology is a Daisy-Chain
Active Topology is a Daisy-Chain
Node MAC Address Slot Stack State Role Flags
------------------ ---- ----------- ------- ---
*00:04:96:99:3b:3a 1 Active Backup CA-
00:04:96:9a:14:a3 2 Active Master CA-
* - Indicates this node
Flags: (C) Candidate for this active topology, (A) Active Node
(O) node may be in Other active topology
Slot-1 Stack.2 >
Slot-1 Stack.2 >
Slot-1 Stack.2 >
Slot-1 Stack.2 >
Slot-1 Stack.2 >
Slot-1 Stack.2 >
Slot-1 Stack.2 > sh stacking configuration
Stack MAC in use:
Node Slot Alternate Alternate
MAC Address Cfg Cur Prio Mgmt IP / Mask Gateway Flags Lic
------------------ --- --- ---- ------------------ --------------- --------- ---
*00:04:96:99:3b:3a 1 1 70 CcEe--iNn Ee
00:04:96:9a:14:a3 2 2 Auto CcEe--iNn --
* - Indicates this node
Flags: (C) master-Capable in use, (c) master-capable is configured,
(E) Stacking is currently Enabled, (e) Stacking is configured Enabled,
(M) Stack MAC in use, (m) Stack MACs configured and in use are the same,
(i) Stack MACs configured and in use are not the same or unknown,
(N) Enhanced protocol is in use, (n) Enhanced protocol is configured,
(-) Not in use or not configured
License level restrictions: (C) Core, (A) Advanced edge, or (E) Edge in use,
(c) Core, (a) Advanced edge, or (e) Edge configured,
(-) Not in use or not configured
Slot-1 Stack.3 >