Hi Ron
The custom alarm works fine, the issue that the syslog entry is only generated once by the switch when the item fails, so you do not get a repeated alarm from Netsight.
For example if a PSU fails the following logs is seen on the switch:
<163>Jul 12 08:33:11 System[1]Power supply 1 is not operational.
<163>Jul 12 08:33:11 System[1]Power redundancy not present.
These are then sent to Netsight (Syslog)
I then match on these and I receive an alarm.
This log entry is only generated once when the component fails......

We require Netsight to send us constant notifications (once a day) regarding the failed component.
Why not have a default alarm for this?? The S series is part of the Extreme Suite why should we have to write a custom alarm surely this must be part of the default alrams...