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Upload configuration to stacked x400

Upload configuration to stacked x400

New Contributor
I am looking to convert a standalone x400 to a stacked x400. I saved the downloaded the configuration from the standalone x400. Can I just enable stacking and then re-upload the same configuration to get that switch back in the same config, just with stacking turned on?

I'm thinking I may have to add a 1: to each of the ports in the config before I put it back on the switch?

Extreme Employee
If you are referring to taking the configuration file and putting it back on the stack this will not work. The "show configuration" output can be used but will have to be updated to reflect the new port layout. Like port 36 will have to be changed to 1:36. So you are correct in that sense. Then each line can copied into the CLI of the stack.

I have seen it where people will build a one node stack and then configure it. This allows for condensing switches or adding on new switches to an existing stack. I understand this doesn't help you now but something to think about in the future.

It worked great, thanks!

Quick response! I'll give it a shot on the intended slave first to see if it actually takes properly.