03-17-2020 01:27 PM
I have a question about creating a port mirror on a VSP 7254. I would like to send a mirrored rx and tx traffic to separate ports but I get an error. I searched this hub but could not find any instance I could use.
For example, send traffic from the port 1/18 to 1/5 (tx) and to 1/6 (rx) :
7254:1(config)#mirror-by-port 1 in-port 1/18 out-port 1/5 mode tx ena
7254:1(config)#mirror-by-port 2 in-port 1/18 out-port 1/6 mode rx ena
Error: Mirrored port exists in another entry's mirrored/mirroring port list.
Is there a way to set it up?
Thank you.
03-17-2020 05:14 PM
Maybe you can try by applying both an inPort ACL and an outPort ACL to the same port; in both ACLs you have an ACE with action permit and monitor-dst-ports