Hello Colin,
For Third Party AP support, you will want to configure a dedicated physical port on the C4110. Definitely do not configure Port1 as a Third Party port, because you will lose your other AP management and wireless user access.
Since the C4110 has 4 physical 1gb ports, you can configure another port as a "physical interface" through the GUI. In the same Topology screen just select "New" and then choose "Physical" from the drop down menu and assign it to another available port (Port2, 3, or 4).
From there you can configure this as a Third Party AP port and direct that traffic through the controller for network access. As long as these are "standalone" access points, we will support these clients through the designated controller interface.
If you have any questions regarding this, please give the GTAC a call and we can assist!
Jason Noni
Sr Support Engineer
Extreme Networks