I want to bring a new installed EWC and NAC Manager with the last Firmware together and activate 802.1 X on a special SSID
i have configured . shared Secret /LDAP Connection and so on
and all the other things on both sides.
When a wirless Client try to connect there is into the nac manager console only to see :
Failing proxied request for user "XXXXXX@itgnt.local", due to lack of any response from home server port 1812
Unable to contact RADIUS server:
But this IP is the Radius Server himself !! Why has the nacmanager a problem to contact his own radius Server ?
When I mak the test with Radius on the VNS of the Wireless Controller then comes :
The Radius Server did not authenticate the user TEST123 on ITGNTAD VNS.
If you ask.. of course i have restartet the nac manager appliance 3 or 4 times..
Who could give me some Tips for Troubleshooting ?