New Contributor II
since ‎09-07-2021

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Hello Comunity, we made a POC last year with Netsight / Purview / NAC on a customer location... Now .. "we will buy ist . it works great" .. "please convert it to medium size because we need analytics " but no "New install" because we di...
I have a pair of X620 and due to an mistake port 15 and 16 are activated for stacking. But Only Port 16 is connected. How can i remove port 15 from stacking configuration without unconfigure the stack ? The stack is active only over Port 16 (thi...
I want to bring a new installed EWC and NAC Manager with the last Firmware together and activate 802.1 X on a special SSID i have configured . shared Secret /LDAP Connection and so on and all the other things on both sides. When a wirless Client...
Hello Friends, after annoying 5 hours test i ́m very frustrated. I upgraded my lab to EWC V10.41 with the latest purview /Analytics / netsight 8.015 First i did a flat test, EWC ETH0 / Purview ETH0 / SSID for Testing. All together were in one VLA...
how to configure Routing Between VLAN's on a 220 Series Switch. I have a new 220 Series Switch and i have configured 2 VLans ( 100 + 200 ) Every VLAN is Routing enabled and has the IP . /24 and /24 The Internet Gateway...
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