I just play around with the 802.11ac AP3865 and wonder how I'd get the max thruput.
I've used the settings that are mentioned in the 9.15 user guide "Achieving High Throughput with 11n and 11ac" chapter.
Here the parameter for Aggregate MPDU Max Length is missing or wrong as the value in the manual is "enable" instead of a real number so I've left it on the default of 1048575.
Another thing is TXBF - why is there no field do enable/disable it - the option is available on radio#2 - or is it always on for 802.11ac ?
The result of a short iperf test (15streams) with a Netgear A6210 802.11ac adapter is a thruput of 330Mbit.
I've tried with another vendors AP 4:4:3 and it was 410Mbit.
Regarding the VNS config I've used bridge@AP, open/none, WMM&802.11e, 100% airtime.
Anything that I'd change to get a better result or is that the max. that I should expect ???