09-03-2024 08:28 AM
I have installed a new switch stack with 11 AP305c's and 3 460c outdoor APs. None of the 460c APs are booting up, but a 305c boots up no problem on the same cabling.
I've made sure inline power is enabled is max output is 30W but now I'm stuck. Any ideas?
09-04-2024 06:37 AM
Hello @dabbler,
In regard to the AP460C APs, are they not booting up at all (no LED), or are they getting stuck in a bootloop?
Have you tried removing all AP305C APs and just booting up the 3 AP460Cs?
Do you have a PoE+ (802.3AT) power injector handy, so that we may try booting up the AP460C without reverting to the switch?
In what operational mode are the APs being used: WiNG distributed (Adopted by WiNG controller), WiNG centralized (XIQ-C), or Cloud (XIQ Pilot)?
09-05-2024 12:23 AM
The 460c APs are not booting up at all. I did move one of them to a switch with no other APs but that made no difference. They are connected to XIQ Cloud.
I can get a hold of a power injector and try that to see if it actually has a problem, although I doubt 3 APs would all have a problem.