Nope no joke....
My question is whether this additional step is needed.
I also use NAC to authenticate my internal/staff clients but why via a portal if username/password authentication is build into the client = 802.1X PEAP via NAC/LDAP.
I'd unterstand if you'd like to authenticate older devices that sometimes don't support PEAP and then choose a portal or for guest portal access but not if the clients support PEAP and they are internal/staff = in the AD.
I.e. my rule....

Only a user with 802.1X auth, in the AD group WLAN, in the MAC list Ron, on the SSID Secure Access is able to get this Policy/Role and is able to connect.
The use of 802.1X also makes sure that the connection AP<->Client is encrypted.
Could be that I don't unterstand the design requirement - that was the reason for my question.