More confused now.
Both my VM and Mac were on the Guest VLAN. I disabled then enabled my VM NIC because that's the only way I've found to get the authentication window to pop up. I entered my credentials, but before I hit OK, I started a packet capture.
I hit OK and...nothing. I was still on the guest VLAN. I checked the packet capture, and this is what I saw:

But there was no Audit Success in the NPS Event Viewer, and I was still on the Guest VLAN.
I did the same process on my Mac and it auto-connected just fine.
Just for kicks I disabled both NICs, and then ran the following command on the switch (out my wireless NIC):
clear netlogin state agent dot1x mac-address WINDOWS-VM-MAC port PORT-NUMBER
Re-enabled both NICs, and both authenticated against NPS and connected to the Staff VLAN!
MAC IP address Authenticated Type ReAuth-Timer User
MAC-VM Yes, Radius 802.1x 254 Domain\Username
MAC-Mac Yes, Radius 802.1x 245 Username
But now, probably 5 minutes later, show netlogin port PORT-NUMBER shows:
MAC IP address Authenticated Type ReAuth-Timer User
MAC-VM No 802.1x 0
MAC-Mac No 802.1x 0
Session-Timeout is set for 300 seconds (for now) in the NPS Policy, because I read that value replaces the reauth-period timer on the switch. My assumption was that after 5 minutes, it would reauth again, and everything would reconnect just fine again, but that doesn't appear to be the case. My Windows VM disconnected, and my Mac is still connected.
And again, after typing all that, I saw that the Connection Time on my Mac restarted, and when I checked the switch, both devices re-auth'd.
But now again, after 5 minutes, my Windows VM disconnected, and my Mac is still connected, but this time, 10 minutes have gone by and my Mac is still connected, and my Window VM reconnected about 2 minutes ago.
I feel like I'm am still missing something about how the netlogin works, because clearly I can't roll this out as it is right now. Even if devices
eventually reauth, we can't have people drop off the network for 5-10 minutes at a time.
Here's the config, if it helps:
# Module netLogin configuration.
configure netlogin vlan nt_login
enable netlogin dot1x
configure netlogin authentication protocol-order dot1x mac web-based
enable netlogin ports 17-20 dot1x
enable netlogin dot1x guest-vlan ports 17-20
configure netlogin dot1x ports 17 timers quiet-period 5 reauth-period 30
configure netlogin dot1x ports 18 timers quiet-period 5 reauth-period 30
configure netlogin dot1x ports 19 timers quiet-period 5 reauth-period 30
configure netlogin dot1x ports 20 timers quiet-period 5 reauth-period 30
configure netlogin dot1x guest-vlan UnPriv_dot1x ports 17-20
configure netlogin ports 17 mode port-based-vlans
configure netlogin ports 17 no-restart
configure netlogin ports 18 mode port-based-vlans
configure netlogin ports 18 no-restart
configure netlogin ports 19 mode port-based-vlans
configure netlogin ports 19 no-restart
configure netlogin ports 20 mode port-based-vlans
configure netlogin ports 20 no-restart
enable netlogin authentication failure vlan ports 17-20
enable netlogin authentication service-unavailable vlan ports 17-20
configure netlogin authentication failure vlan UnPriv_dot1x ports 17-20
configure netlogin authentication service-unavailable vlan UnPriv_dot1x ports 17-20
Help and/or thoughts (on Monday...cuz it's Friday) would be greatly appreciated.