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Request hostname via DHCP option 12

Request hostname via DHCP option 12

New Contributor

Hi all,

I'm wondering if AP's (305c in this case) are able to request their hostname from DHCP using option 12.

By default they use their SN as hostname, so we have to change it to something which makes more sense afterwards. It seems that DHCP option 12 can be used in two ways:

- By the client to advertise its hostname to the DHCP server
- By the DHCP server to assign hostnames to clients

A packet capture on the DHCP server learns that the client advertises its hostname using option 12 in the DHCP discover and request, and the DHCP (Windows Server) server advertises its configured hostname (ex AP01) for that client (using DHCP reservation) using option 12 in the DHCP offer and ack.

In the end, the AP keeps its SN as hostname, and the DHCP server reservation is updated from AP01 to the AP's SN...

It would be nice to have the DHCP server to assign hostnames using reservations and option 12, which can be easily scripted, instead of having to rename the AP's one by one. Or am I missing something obvious?
