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Reset Expired Password Over Wireless

Reset Expired Password Over Wireless

New Contributor
We are using the NAC as our Radius server. When a user lets their password expire, they are not able to change it over the wireless connection. They have to go to a wired connection and then they are able to change it.

Are others seeing this issue? How are you getting around this issue?

Thank you.

New Contributor

Thank you for your response.
So if I add a second SSID without authentication that uses just a passphrase, that should work?
Right now I only push out the 1 SSID via Group Policy.

No problem, glad to help.
Doug Hyde
Director, Technical Support / Extreme Networks

Thank you both for all of your help and suggestions. I really appreciate it!

My suggestion is to only allow that second SSID to have access to a DC (not your primary) and required services, as well as other remediation access (installing AV, pushing patches,etc). This helps provide a secure environment.