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WPA2-Enterprise and dynamic vlan assignment

WPA2-Enterprise and dynamic vlan assignment

New Contributor
Hello everyone,

I would like to merge all network SSID's to one. So when you connect to WiFi with your logins you will be put in a different vlan.

I'm asking your help to achieve this because i'm struggling, without documentation I don't know how to do it.

Can someone help me with that or point me out where to look ?

I have a vx9000 and mostly 7522 AP's to work with.

Thanks for your help !

Valued Contributor II
Hello Sinfo,

On Freeradius you have to configure RFC3580-related attributes for relevant resources, have a look here:

Regarding wireless, please also consider increasing minimum basic rate to get rid of 11b support if possible, this will reduce the impact of beacons from too many SSIDs:
Also remember to use WPA2 CCMP, as weaker options do not work with 11n and 11ac rates - but with WPA2-ENT I believe you'll definitely have it in place. 😉

So if you configure AAA Policy on your WiNG controller (and it can specify whether the controller or AP acts as a RADIUS Client - with FreeRADIUS and NPS it is rather easy as you can specify entire subnet for authenticators in one line, so if it is needed there's no problem to have APs acting as NASes).
Authentication handling has nothing to do with WLAN bridging mode (local/tunnel) as it comes before any traffic being allowed. Bridging mode is set per WLAN.
If you want to achieve RBAC with RADIUS-based VLANs, remember to tick the "Allow RADIUS Override" box in basic part of WLAN configuration in GUI (or see CLI example below).
vlan 23
bridging-mode tunnel (or local)
encryption-type ccmp
authentication-type eap
radius vlan-assignment <<<<<<
use aaa-policy freeradius-aaa

Wherever you are going to bridge the wireless traffic, make sure to go to the device (APs' or controller's) profile and modify ge1 interface settings so it will have intended VLAN IDs in the list of allowed VLANs. Via CLI it would be:
profile ...
interface ge1
switchport trunk allowed vlan [and a list]
commit write

This way (or GUI way) your devices will understand that they can bridge dot11 traffic of a certain user (or certain WLAN at all - no matter if RADIUS is used or not for this prerequisite) and they can accept q-tagged traffic on the wired to possibly pass it to the wireless users that are bound to the VLAN ID.
You don't have to specify SVIs (CLI: interface vlanX) for any VLANs unless it is needed for some purpose (WiNG device acting as a captive portal, DHCP server, default gateway and so on).

Let us know if anything needs further clarification. 🙂

Hope that helps,

View solution in original post


New Contributor
Hello Tomasz,

That sounds good 
Thank you for your great help !

Valued Contributor II
Hello Sinfo,

I see. If you are authenticating many devices on a single port, for EXOS switch it doesn't practically matter how many are there - each authenticated device can have its own vlan, either tagged or untagged. This is possible thanks to mac-based VLANs. How does that sound?

Hope that helps,

New Contributor
Hello Tomasz,

Thanks you for everything, you helped me a lot !

For the VLANs I know about untag and tag etc. What I ment was if it is possible to assign VLANs dynamically on switch with freeradius, 1 untagged vlan and on the same port 1 or more tagged VLAN. But nevermind and again thanks you !

Valued Contributor II
Hello Sinfo,

I think you might find these interesting:
But with WiNG you are also able to filter out events displayed in real time to troubleshoot certain features live. One of the examples (RADIUS related) attached (sorry for not yet rebranded material, didn't see that here: Check out page 14 and:
remote-debug wireless rf-domain twinpeaks-domain clients all max-events 999 duration 999 events eap radius wpa-wpa2 management

As you can see you can debug per site (RF Domain) or per device, you can debug all clients or few certain MAC addresses, and you can filter event types (EAP, RADIUS, WPA/WPA2 and mgmt frames in the example above). Try it out!

For the tagging, it's hardware dependent but with Extreme EXOS for instance, sure, you're good to go with as many VLANs per port as you wish, and no limitation on how many VLANs the port is tagged member of. Just one untagged VLAN per port (not talking about protocol-based VLANs now). There is no such thing as 'voice vlan' and 'data vlan' on EXOS, neither 'switchport mode', you drive the reality here. 🙂
You might like the docs for EXOS then:
Just a quick briefing for EXOS VLANs:
create vlan [name] tag [vid]
create vlan [vid or range]
configure vlan [vid or range or name] add/del port [port range] [untagged by default]
configure vlan [vid or range or name] add/del port [port range] tagged
conf [name] also works

Hope that helps,