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C4110 EWC Update 8.32.10 to 9.15.06 failed

C4110 EWC Update 8.32.10 to 9.15.06 failed

Contributor III
i have 2x EWC WLAN Controller running as partners (mobility domain, cluster). Based on the recent release notes i update directly from V8.32.10 to V9.15.06. After update i applied the v9 license. The Controller are hardware servers 2x C4110-2 and we uses AP3620-1 with external antennas and AP3705-i. In the next weeks we want to use AP3805-i - this force us to do the update.

The update seems to be good except of 2 things:
+ no SSID on any AP (3620 / 3705) nor any radio (a or b/g) are going online (Status of BSS Info: N/A SSID-Name, No Channel) - see details on screenshot
+all Guest accounts are purged

Rebooting of the EWC and the AP (serveral times) are not solving the issue. Regarding other problems a reboot solve it normally. The Update of the APs Firmware seems to be smooth.


Because WLAN is completelly not running i have to revert to 8.32.10. After the revert to this stable version all SSIDs / APs are online like the months before and working without issue!

Does any one have the same problem and hopefully solve it yet? Should i maybe use some interim versions - like 8.32.10 to 8.32.15 to 9.12.x to 9.15.6? Any other hints to increase the chance that the next try would be successfull?

Unfortunately the running GTAC Case does not solve the problem or find the root cause till yet.

Extreme Employee
Got your tech supports. Will try it in lab and update ticket.

Contributor III
Hi Doug,
thanks for your advice - it seems after the upgrade the VNS definition are deleted. So at my next try to upgrade if will copy and past the complet VNS config into the controller back again (via CLI)? Correct?

Afterwards can we clarify why VNS and guest accounts are deleted after the upgrade ?

Contributor III
Thanks for the replies!
@Raffi: Configuration of this 2 controllers are attached to the current GTAC Ticket# 01126487!
It would ne very nice if you can try this in your lab.
@Doug: i think i have checked that all wlan services and vns are enabled, but i will double check it at next try!

Extreme Employee
If we have a tech support of your current 8.32 system, we can take the config from that, load it up on 2 c4110 controllers in the lab and do the upgrade, and see if we have the same problem or not.

Extreme Employee
The 9.15.06 release notes state: The minimum system software version is 08.32.01 to upgrade to this software version.
Doug Hyde
Director, Technical Support / Extreme Networks