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Extended wireless reports

Extended wireless reports

New Contributor III
I'm still missing historical data of important wireless metrics like channel utilization per ap/channel and historical data for other statistics you could view in the EWC reports like "Wireless Statistics by APs" and "AP Performance Report by Radio". A historical report of channel utilization could help you to find out were you have or are close to wireless performance problem or maybe a non-WiFi interference source exists.

I've tried to create my own custom report in OneView, but i could not found the values I'am looking for. Hopefully next version of Extreme Control Center add more usefull features to the Wireless Tab making admins lifes more easy. Compared to competitor WNMS many things are still missing.

If I'm wrong, please tell me how can view the things I'am looking for.

Best Regards

New Contributor III
I've been told by GTAC that a lot of those snmptraps listed in the oneview reports are not enabled for typical collection. I was told that the ap channel utilization trap is only collected for VENUES. Not sure what "VENUES" means exactly.

If you go to oneview>administration>diagnostics (change the level to diagnostics in the top left)>historical statistics collector>statistics collection targets

Then filter the Type column for "AP", you will see all the ap's that netsight has collected data from. select an Active entry and show details. You will see all of the stats that oneview is collecting for that device. On my AP's, it is only collection 14 traps, even though there are so many more listed in the oneview reports.

This is been a major let down for me, as i haven't been able to report on things like historical channel utilization and DCS noise, even though the traps are available.

Thanks for your answer. Hopefully Extreme makes it easier to access this data for all customers.

Extreme Employee
Harmut, Can you see if the bandwidth data is missing from the controller summary?

It may be this problem as described in KCS. Where the CLI credentials and SNMPV3 is not enabled.

New Contributor III
I don't mean client bandwidth. "Channel Util" is a layer 1 metric. I need historical data form this controller report viewable per ap/radio:
