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Extreme Wireless - V10.41 - Remote Shell - Limitations

Extreme Wireless - V10.41 - Remote Shell - Limitations

Contributor III
Because i support several bigger Identify WLAN environments for customers i love the new V10.41 feature of having a quick "remote shell" to an AP for a deeper analyses!

But in real life usage there are several limitation that reduce the advantage this feature dramatically:

+ There is no copy and paste
+ no logging option (compare to a putty client)
+ no resizing of the screen possible if you need more space (means more columns)
(try several browsers - open a GTAC case - this is now a FR  )
+ Only AP38xx and AP39xx are supported - AP37xx are not included
(not clear why AP37xx are not offering this)

i hope there happens some improvements in the near future to make this feature more powerful in our daily business real life usage.


Valued Contributor III
Hello Doug,

For me the most used commands via shell are:

set authipaddr...


tail -f /tmp/log/ap.log

for debugging if problems occur and and then you need the above mentioned functions (like via putty).

Best regards

Regards Stephan

Contributor III
Hi Doug,

that is funny - you wonna tell me that is would be not so seroius that basic functions are not able if you use remote shell, because most customers do not need that ?

I am sure that PLM trigger this feature because there is a seroius demand and i am also sure competitive products offer that too.

So i hope because Netsight guys have the same problems with their WebTerminal improvements will return in near future versions.

Why AP37xx APs not kicked out to this feature although they are fully supported with 10.41.xx is not explainable to me.


Extreme Employee
I'm just curious, what information do you pull or configure from the ap shell that's not available in the web gui?
Doug Hyde
Director, Technical Support / Extreme Networks

Valued Contributor III
Hello Matthias,

I completely agree with that.

Best regards

Regards Stephan