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Frequent wireless disconnections occurring since upgrade to

Frequent wireless disconnections occurring since upgrade to

I apologize for the redundant question. It seems like "clients disconnecting" is a common topic. But I am starting a new one, because it seems that every situation is different.

I have a C5210 and a bunch of 3825i AP's all over my hospital. Just before Christmas I upgraded to the latest firmware, Since then I am getting complaints from users (across the board) that they are frequently getting dropped from WiFi. After it happens they are easily able to reconnect and all is well. But it's driving them mad as they will be in mid-sentence documenting in their various applications and then it sort of freezes up and KAPOW! Connection lost!

There is nothing newer to upgrade to. And I suppose I could downgrade to see if the problems goes away. But I would rather seek out the source of the problem and fix it. Especially if it's just something wacky in my configuration.

I plan on putting in a call and opening a ticket on Monday morning with support. But in the meantime - does anyone have any ideas for me? I use Netsight and Purview, and I have all of these logs and diagnostic data at my disposal, but I am not really sure where to start. I suppose the first question is - does anyone else have this issue with this firmware?

I probably spoke too soon. There was a single instance of a dropped user yesterday. This morning and this afternoon there have been several more. On with the troubleshooting!

Hello Ron, I updated the day it was available for download. It did not help my situation. However - disabling all but b/g on these Intel NIC's has proven successful for the past 9 hours!

I did last night. I see an improvement roaming between 2.4 and 5ghz radios.

Have you upgraded to 10.21.02 yet or any plans for it.

I am awaiting feedback from the users - but so far, I am hearing nothing. And no news is usually good news. I have been checking the event logs on these laptops and I am not seeing any more of those strange dropping messages. I checked with a few users yesterday and none of them were having any problems. So I am holding my case open for a few days - but with any luck, this was just a case of a very old and broken wireless driver being used on 20 laptops.