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General question about throughput and ping ms.

General question about throughput and ping ms.

New Contributor II
What is the normal throughput for 2.4ghz with Extreme APs and with 5 ghz? We have users complaining of slow wifi speeds and computers on the wifi are substantially slower than wired users. Currently we are getting 35-40 mbps with iperf test when on 2.4ghz. For some reason this test could drop down to 10 on certain tests. While on 5ghz we are right around 70mbps.

Are these normal numbers?
Also while pinging from a wired PC to a Wireless device we will get alot of high ms pings then it will level out and then spike again. Is this normal behavior?


Honored Contributor
One thing that I didn't mentioned... you'd also run the iperf server on a client in the LAN if you don't like to use the AP.

Honored Contributor
You could also set the ssh timeout to 0 on the AP so you don't get kicked out of the session.

cset sshTimeout 0



Honored Contributor
Yes but there are some requirements...

- AP model = AFAIK only AP39xx have iperf3 installed
- the wirless client must be able to reach the AP IP = the best is to setup a SSID with bridge@AP untagged so both are in the same subnet

Then ssh to the AP and switch in the /usr/bin directory and start the iperf server with "iperf3 -s"
Now you'd need a iperf3 app on the client and start the iperf-client to run the test.

Example below - hardware AP3915i and Amazon Fire D10



Amazon Fire HD10:


New Contributor II
Thanks for the reply everyone. As far as config goes we set our channels based on site survey so they are all staggered, sitting at 20 mhz channel width, the APs are AP3825i, latest firmware. I basically copied config from this doc.

I moved channel width to 80mhz and was able to achieve a file copy speeds of 25 - 30 mbps vs 10 -15 mbps as before on 20 mhz. Iperf3 of 84 -100mbps.

If your saying those speeds are normal than I will focus my efforts elsewhere. Thanks