I have the C5210 controller with 3605APs. I'm looking at the 'Reports' and 'Wireless Statistics' and then 'View Clients' per Radio. I noticed under the Received Rate column is quite a bit different than the Transmitted column. Is that normal? I thought clients would be downloading (Receiving) more Mbps from the AP and uploading, sending, (Transmitting) to the AP?
I may be wrong but this looks like the it is from the perspective of the AP. This means the received rate is what the client is sending to it and the send looks like a generic speed based on what type of signal the client is using (a54 or n300).
Is there a report that shows how many Mbps each client is getting, like a download speed, or how much bandwidth each clients is using? I did download and install the NetSight tool, but still working on setting it up to view some better reports.