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Wireless Firmware 10.x

Wireless Firmware 10.x

Contributor II
Hi Do we have a release date for the new version 10 firmware for the wireless appliances? Thx Andre

New Contributor
My personal roadmap was also to wait for new 802.11ac (wave 2) access points for new buildings and not to buy any 37xx or 38xx devices any longer. So for running 39xx I need V10, for running 36xx I need V9. Therefore I have to buy and support new ExtremeNetwork controllers? I currently don ́t think I ́ll do so.
As Hartmut Sachse already pointed out, a main selling point for Enterasys was to have a long term support in contrast to some other major vendors. Therefore I really like to see some basic V10 support for AP36xx series access points. Switch of unsupported features on AP36xx devices like you currently already do (i.e.: Radio Management (11k) support for 37xx and 38xx only), but let them be compatible with current software.

New Contributor
We have 569 APs (AP3605) with 2 controllers (C5210 and C5110-2) in our second year of use.

New Contributor III
Really bad news for some of our biggest customers running many 36xx's APs. Some of them decided to switch from the C4110 controllers to V2110 to be more future-proof on the controller side and now they can't update to V10, because the AP36xx's will be not supported.

There are several usecases where wireless infructure nearly have to work 24x7 and even the ap exchange to a newer model would be challenging. Longterm support for the APs was one of the biggest selling aguments compared to other enterprise wireless competitors in the past. The new situation would cause some of our customers to think about there network strategy.

The idea to switch of unsupported new V10 features for the 36xx's like for the 26xx's in past would be a better alternative. This would add 4 years more lifetime for large scale 36xx's installations till they reach there well known EoL in 03/31/2020.

Honored Contributor
"One question though: When I upgrade all my c4110 to V10, will my AP3610 stop working?"

Yes, or to be more precise - the APs are not able to register on the controller if they are not supported.

Extreme Employee
No, there will be no support for the 3600 Series. You can still run a mixed environment but your 3600 Series will have to be homed to a V9.21 controller. If you are using a centralized deployment your mobility domain can include V9.21 and V10.01 controllers ensuring transparent roaming across the mixed environment. Although it doesn't seem like it, removing support for older platforms is for the benefit of our customers, allowing us to move quicker to meet their growing needs for more bandwidth hungry applications as well as providing them more visibility and control over their network.

