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WLAN Topology - ARP proxy

WLAN Topology - ARP proxy

Honored Contributor
Hi, I've some troubles with sporadic one way audio on my WLAN phones for the first 10 seconds.
After some troubleshooting I think it's ARP related as the client don't get an answer for the ARP request.

We've enabled ARP Proxy on the bridge@AP topology of the voice WLAN.
Is there a whitepaper available that explains in detail how the AP/Controller behave if the function is enabled.
Please post or PM it to me.


New Contributor

Honored Contributor
Thanks Doug,

we've turned it off and now it we can't reproduce the issue anymore so it looks like that it solved the problem.
I'll try to reproduce it in my lab and follow up with a ticket.


Extreme Employee
I can't find a specific whitepaper for that one function. I have some basic information....

If ARP Request is received by AP for a particular MAC (on the Wire or Wireless) and AP has learned the IP address for that MAC, it responds with an ARP Response (MAC, IP) to the originator and does NOT forward ARP Request.

If AP is without learnt information, ARP@Proxy contains the “flooding” of ARP request to air based on the following:

- ARP request is dropped if not for one of the clients associated with the AP

- If it is indeed for one of the clients of the AP, use maximum possible rate to transmit the ARP Request to the client

Doug Hyde
Director, Technical Support / Extreme Networks