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A couple of clients unable to connect to specific SSID

A couple of clients unable to connect to specific SSID

New Contributor II

I've seen this issue occur with two clients: an iPad and a Windows 10 laptop. Clients try to connect to their respective SSID on specific APs and they never receive an IP address unless they're taken to an area covered by a different AP. We're using AP410Cs and the network policies are the same for all APs. The SSID for the laptop is an 802.1x network and it eventually worked after swapping out the wireless card. The iPad SSID is a PSK network with mac filtering done through a NAC. If I turn private wifi address on the iPad then it will connect fine. These issues only occur on a single AP. Is it possible for the AP to exclude specific mac addresses?



Could this be related to country code and allowed channels? Use a good wifi scanner or pcap to check out beacon frames.

New Contributor

We encountered an error: Some new devices connected to wifi cannot access the internet, only when turning off/on private wifi address on phone, it will work. it often happens with foreign devices (Czech, French...). Is there any way to fix this?