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XIQ SSID on 5GHz on some APs but not others

XIQ SSID on 5GHz on some APs but not others

Valued Contributor

I have an SSID that I want advertised only on 2.4GHz in most locations, but 5GHz as well in some areas. I looked at a classification rule, but that only does the AP, not the radio. I know I could go and turn the SSID off on each AP I didn't want it on, but that's a lot of effort and leaves them all with custom config. My other thought was to duplicate the SSID and have one with 2.4GHz, one with both, and assign them to different locations. Anyone got any other ideas?


New Contributor II

I'm not 100% on this, but it does seem you will be facing a manual process of choosing the candidate AP's. One way or the other. We've faced similar circumstances in our district. You can only go so far with CCG and classification rules. The only other option is using different AP templates that house the different radio profiles. Regardless, it's going to be a manual setup.