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Adobe Flash end of support 2020 - WING GUI 5.9.x/7.x

Adobe Flash end of support 2020 - WING GUI 5.9.x/7.x

New Contributor III
There is a GUI migration plan based on FLASH for other technologies such as HTML5 before the end of support by Adobe and most browsers in Dec / 2020. Or we will suffer the same type of nightmare that exists with JAVA-based GUIs that were never updated again.
143 REPLIES 143

New Contributor

Hello All,

since the 12th of January, my RFS4010 controller is uncontrollable, because Flash has been blocked by Adobe.
Being a consequence of this my Mesh WLAN Network with over 30 Motorola/Zebra APs at my school cannot be administered any more!

Has there been some effort in moving the GUI to HTML5?

Please help!

Best regards from Graz, Austria


New Contributor

So we’ve… uhh… let our support lapse. We’re still licensed, just not supported. We’re going a different direction moving forward (so we have lots of spares) and weren’t really using it. Things still work. I just can’t get new firmwares, call TAC, or (gulp) download the new WiNG-Man. 

I do have a work-around I wanted to share in case there’s anyone else in a similar place.I’ll add that the post by crazyhammer to modify the mms.cfg file did work for me, but only for (ugh) Internet Explorer.

I did one better, and got it (sort of) working with Chrome.

The are two tricks to make this work. First, you need to download and install a portable version of Chrome from before they put in the kill switch. I’m using a 32-bit version of Chrome 79 (for reasons below -- newer 64-bit versions will likely also work). Second, you need to find an un-killed version of Flash somewhere as a donor. I don’t have rights to post what I used, but if you’ve got an old desktop gathering dust somewhere, you probably have the Flash files just waiting.

One final consideration here: Chrome claims to include Flash out of the box, but it really only gets it on first use. So if your old system was a fresh image, it likely never prepped the Flash plugin. In my case, the Flash donor came from an old 32-bit Windows 7 machine we’d pulled out of production a year-ago May and hadn’t ever fully decommissioned (this is why I’m using a 32bit version of Portable Chrome: to match the donor Flash plugin). To be safe, I pulled the drive and put in a cradle to access from another machine, so Chrome wouldn’t update it out of existence as soon as I booted.

The Flash plug is located here:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash

Grab the entire contents of the folder and put them in your Portable Chrome’s Data\Profile\PepperFlash folder.

And there you go. A Chrome installation that can still use Flash. It’s still blocked by default, and will still prompt you to enable it again every time you come back to the page, so be ready for that. Also, this version of Chrome won't update over time, so don't use it for anything you don’t need to.

I’m also using this from an older security camera installation that used Flash to play recorded videos and absolutely would not use the IE work-around.


New Contributor

Works for me also.

New Contributor

Testing the new Extreme WiNG Manager 1.0.4. Has anyone found a way to pre-populate the connection URL? I need to publish this is Citrix for Guest User account creation and it would be good to be able to pre-populate the connection parameter for all users.

New Contributor III