‎10-03-2019 09:24 PM
‎12-03-2020 06:19 AM
December 2020 is here without any updates about any ETA for GUI update.
The Wing Manager (that not working) is seems as amateur repair for BIG issue for enterprise networks in 2021. Very disappointing.
Any updates?
‎11-22-2020 09:23 AM
Hello guys,
Any updates about HTML5 GUI ?
‎11-04-2020 04:09 AM
Hi all,
With just over a month until Flash is EOL, do we have any feedback on the HTML5 version or other ie WING Man
This is pretty important especially with, I believe, WIndows10 about to actively uninstall Flash…
ps I just installed WINGMan 1.0.1 and upon connecting all I get is a blank window?? After relaunching I see that address still in previous connections but still unable to connect..
‎08-21-2020 11:18 PM
Have you seen, WING Manager (WING Man) has been released….an encapsulated Chrome browser with enabled Flash Plugin to manage WING Devices untill there is an HTML5 GUI for them.
I have a feeling that we will not see the HTML5 GUI before Flash is retired…..
‎07-23-2020 12:22 PM
Hi Tcheurby,
I believe if you asked local SEs it might be possible to get some roadmap details.
GUI change is going to be rather a single shot instead of a process and I don’t even consider such a big company to not take care of such a fundamental issue. Still 5 months to go, let’s give them some more time. 😉 Extreme has put itself under a huge stress with all recent acquisitions and a challenge to squeeze the best juice out of every single acquired thing and drive the evolution of market/tech strategy. I’d love to have HTML5 sooner but seems they focused on other tasks first. And OTOH, it could be looking as it looks now even with HTML5. 😉 BTW I’ve seen couple of VMware servers that had an upgrade to migrate from Flash very recently (I mean the production servers, not update release date).