The PDF is a good in-depth explanation, but sometimes just seeing a working config helps...
Here's a sample CLI config for a setup with 1 AP connected directly to a cable modem, with all the important bits...This may or may-not apply to your situation.
- There are 2 ACLS, the first one to control what can access the AP remotely, the second one controls how NAT is applied; specifically the deny entry controls NO-NAT behaviour, while permit entry defines what is NATted.
- A DHCP server policy to assign IP addresses to clients
- The WLAN definition itself, note that clients are put on VLAN 2.
- In the device config, vlan1 is considered to be the directly connected to the Internet on which the Internet_ACL is applied, and vlan2 which is local to the AP has the wireless clients on it.
- Note the use of the ip nat commands, these control which interfaces are Inside and Outside, as well as how to apply the NAT.
This config is derived from a SOHO configuration I use for teleworkers.
ip access-list Internet_ACL
permit udp any eq 68 any eq dhcps rule-precedence 40
permit udp any eq 67 any eq dhcpc rule-precedence 50
permit tcp remote_management_ip any eq https rule-precedence 60
permit tcp remote_management_ip any eq ssh rule-precedence 65
deny ip any any log rule-precedence 100 ip access-list NAT_inside
deny ip rule-precedence 50
permit ip any rule-precedence 100
dhcp-server-policy default
dhcp-pool Wireless
address range
dns-server wireless
ssid wireless
vlan 2
bridging-mode local
encryption ccmp
authentication-type none
wpa-wpa2 psk 0 passw0rd1
ap6532 xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xxinterface radio1
wlan wireless bss 1 primary
interface radio2
wlan wireless bss 1 primary
interface vlan1
description Internet
ip address dhcp
ip dhcp client request options all
use ip-access-list in Internet_ACL
ip nat outsideinterface vlan2
description Clients
ip address
no ip dhcp client request options all
ip nat inside
use dhcp-server-policy defaultip nat inside source list NAT_inside interface vlan1 overload