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Change config of RFS6000

Change config of RFS6000

New Contributor
I need to change the DNS IP address in my config. I can access the RFS6000 via IP address, web interface and see the running config. How can I edit this? Please advise. Thank you!

New Contributor
Thank you Chris--however when I browse to the network settings via UI, there are no existing DNS entries shown. Does that make sense? Tried accessing the device via CLI using Putty/SSH but the password I use to access via UI does not work there. Not real familiar with this device as it was set up by a vendor. Trying to avoid having to buy a 4 hour block of time for a 2 min change. Any thoughts? If I change in the UI, will it override the existing running config?

Extreme Employee
You can enter the name server addresses either in the controller profile itself or as a controller override. In either case though, the actual CLI syntax you would use is: ip name-server X.X.X.X

Example, to enter an address as an override:
1) Login
2) enable
3) self
4) ip name-server
5) commit write

You can enter multiple DNS entries this way.

From the UI:

1) Configuration Tab
2) Devices
3) Select the RFS6000
4) In center column, expand "Profile Overrides"
5) Expand "Network"
6) Select DNS
7) Over to the right, you should see where you can enter DNS server entries
 Remember to "Commit and Save" in the top right corner when done