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Change config of RFS6000

Change config of RFS6000

New Contributor
I need to change the DNS IP address in my config. I can access the RFS6000 via IP address, web interface and see the running config. How can I edit this? Please advise. Thank you!

Extreme Employee
The me1 interface is normally used for an out of band management port. If you don't have any network cables plugged into it, then it's not accessible on the network, so no concerns there.

New Contributor
Thank you! I will make these changes after hours this afternoon. One other question, while examining the config, I notice this entry:

use radius-server-policy default
interface me1
ip address

Not sure what this is as we have no IP scheme in our network that is 10.1.1.x. Any thoughts?

Extreme Employee this is showing that you have a DHCP service created on the RFS6000. But, it doesn't necessarily show that it's *used* (It is simply a policy that is created and *can* be used).

If we assume though that this DHCP service Policy is used by the controller, then you can change the DNS entry this way.

1) Log in
2) enable
3) config
4) dhcp-server-policy default
5) dhcp-pool EmployeeGuest
6) no dns-server (This gets rid of the existing entry)
7) dns-server
 commit wr

You can then verify things at the level you're at now (you are currently in the dhcp-pool settings). Issue the command: show context

This will show you all of the settings that currently exist at the dhcp-pool level of the config.
You can use that same command at any level so that you can see the current config settings for a section that you are in. Very handy command.

New Contributor

I've managed to make an SSH connection. The following CLI shows the DNS entry:

dhcp-server-policy default
dhcp-pool EmployeeGuest
address range

Can you explain how I change this? Will it require a restart or anything? Thank you.

Extreme Employee
Is it possible that there currently are no DNS entries that have been setup?

Another possibility is that if there *are* DNS entries, they've been entered at the controller's Profile level. In case you're not aware, the Profile settings are where you want to keep as many settings as possible. The override section will *override* a setting that exist in the main Profile. Normal use of the override section is for things like static IP addresses, hostnames, etc. Things that are unique to a device...and therefore not appropriate to enter into a common Profile.

In the UI, to get to the controller's Profile:
1) Configuration
2) Profiles
3) Double-Click on the Profile that is assigned to your RFS6000
4) Center column, expand Network and choose DNS.

If you don't see any DNS entries there either, then it would seem that the controller does not have any DNS entries. Does the controller need one? Or....are you really looking to assign DNS entries for the adopted APs?

Not sure why the password isn't working to access the CLI but works for the GUI. Maybe the management profile is configured to disallow CLI access?