Hello Yoann,
Here are your options:
SSH into the AP, virtual controller or controller and run the following commands:
#conf t
#profile ap8432 default-ap8432 (replace profile name with your own, if different)
#interface usb 0
#interface ge 2
#com wr
Don't think the console port can be disabled and it is not recommended to disable access to this port either, but if you so wish, you can limit admin access as such
#conf t
#management-policy default (replace policy name with your own if different)
#show context | grep password (to list your users. Next step would be to edit user access privileges)
#user admin password admin1234 role superuser access ?
all Allow all access
console Allow console access
ssh Allow ssh access
telnet Allow telnet access
web Allow web access
#user admin password admin1234 role superuser access ssh web
#com wr
Same commands can be used for both APs.
I hope this helps.
Thank you,
Christoph S.