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Firmware for RFS4000

Firmware for RFS4000

New Contributor


Does anyone have and is able to provide me with firmware for RFS400 version

I have two RFSs in an Active-Pasive cluster with this firmware version, but I need to add another one to the cluster, except that I have version on it. From what I've read, in order for the new member to be added to the cluster I need the same version on it as on the other RFS. Unfortunately I have no way to upgrade the existing cluster to a higher version. On the support site the firmware version is unfortunately no longer available.



That's not true...Within WING5 you can have more RFS within 1 cluster. (6 units since FW v 5.6.x) We still have installations with 3 units, for example. With legacy WING 3 - this limit was 12 units, then, perhaps with some earlier WING 5 versions, there was a limit of 2 for a short period of time, but it is definitelly possible with the versions I shared with you.

The AP and AAP licences are HW (MAC/SN) bound, so they cannot be "moved" to another RFS. But 1 unit of RFS4000 is capable of adopting up to 144 APs (since fw 5.5.x) and with local bridging, you really only need 1 unit to manage whole WING network and all APs would live "forever" even when this unit goes down. So to extend any existing RFS4000 based network, you only need to add more licenses.

For reference, read release notes to FW 5.5.0 and 5.6.0

That's not true as well 🙂 Well, technically you can create cluster containing more than 2 nodes, but it is officially unsupported.
I suppose mentioned installation is unsupported anyway so why worry 🙂

If you need to transfer licenses from a defective RFS4000 to a replacement unit, yes it's possible. You will need to create a case for this and we'll be happy to assist. 


Christoph S.

A license transfer solution would be best for me. How can we make this work. If I already have a license for 24 APs on the device we are transferring licenses to, will they be overwritten after the transfer or will they be totaled?
For example, we do a transfer of 10 licenses then will I have 10 licenses or 34 on the destination device?
How do I set up the case?

I don't believe a support agreement is required for licensing issues. 

To create a case please follow these instructions:


Christoph S.