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How do we change the IP address of Slave AP(WING AP-7522) from Virtual controller(WING AP-7522)?

How do we change the IP address of Slave AP(WING AP-7522) from Virtual controller(WING AP-7522)?

New Contributor III
Is there any possibility to change the IP address of Slave AP from the Virtual controller


Extreme Employee
Yes, and here's how:

1 - SSH into the the virtual controller and run the following commands:
#conf t
#int vlan
#ip address (e.g.
If you would like to retain the Zero config (secondary) IP address add the following line:
#ip address zeroconf secondary
#com wr

If you'd like to do this from GUI I would need to know if you're using the Swift or Enterprise UI.

Christoph S.

On VC, go to Configuration >> Devices >> Device Overrides >> Select an AP from list >> Edit >> Interfaces >> Virtual Interfaces >> Select VLAN >> Edit >> IPV4 >> IPV4 IP addresses >> Uncheck: Use DHCP to obtain IP >> Enter static IP address in Primary IP address field >> Enable Zero Configuration: Secondary (optional) >> OK >> Exit >> Commit and Save.
Christoph S.

We are using enterprise UI