The wireless on our AP-4511's keep going in and out. After checking the logs I see hundreds of ip-mac conflicts. For example:
Jan 26 15:57:29 2014-07-20T18: 52:30.%02u-04:00 ap4511-63DFFC %DATAPLANE-4-IPMACCONFLICT: IP-MAC CONFLICT: Conflict in ip-mac binding between packet and snoop table data : Vlan = 1, Pkt Src Mac: C0-BD-D1-26-56-29, Pkt Dst Mac: 00-04-96-52-36-EF, Pkt Dst IP :, Snoop Table Mac: 4C-EB-42-82-2C-CE, Snoop Table IP: . is our DNS server
The snoop table MAC is one of our laptops. That laptops network settings all check out. It still appears in the logs when I disable that NIC too. We have a master AP as a dhcp server.
What could be causing this? This one laptop seems to be the culprit, but it looks like it is preventing other machines from getting to the DNS.