Sorry for the amount of detail, but we are trying to setup PacketFence with our Summit switches and I think everything looks fine on the PacketFence side, but I keep getting the following on the test switch:
07/30/2014 13:47:39.42 Slot-1: Authentication failed for Network Login MAC user 3C970EADB66B Mac 3C:97:0E:AD:B6:6B port 5:13
07/30/2014 13:47:39.42 Slot-1: No response from server trying local.
07/30/2014 13:47:39.42 Slot-1: No servers responding
07/30/2014 13:47:36.42 Slot-1: Resend request to Authentication Server address current request count is 2
07/30/2014 13:47:33.41 Slot-1: Resend request to Authentication Server address current request count is 1
What steps can I perform on the switch to verify connectivity? I can ping/trace to the PacketFence server from the switch.
We have PacketFence installed on a server ( We have three interfaces defined in PacketFence: Management (, Isolation (, and Registration ( Those interfaces are plugged into our core Extreme Networks Summit switch into matching VLANs: “Internal_Appliances” (, “MAC_Isolation” (, and “MAC_Registration” (
That switch is then uplinked to our desktop switch, where we have created a “MAC_Isolation” (, “MAC_Registration” (, MAC_Temp (no IP), and “Desktops” ( We want the ports to eventually end up in the “Desktops” VLAN after authorization.
The steps below were performed on the Extreme switch to which the desktops are connected, using Port 5:13 as our test.
create vlan MAC_Registration
config vlan "MAC_Registration" tag 369
create vlan MAC_Temp
enable snmp access
configure snmp add trapreceiver community public vr VR-DEFAULT
Sorry, I'm not familiar with the way that packet fence operates, however, if it's not routable, then there most likely wouldn't be a way to get a WOL packet to that device unless it's on the same VLAN.
We got this working finally, but now we realized that this method won't allow us to Wake On LAN unless someone has another solution.
Basically, devices are put int the "MAC_Temp" VLAN when powered off which appears to be a L2 VLAN that we can't forward anything to. Does anyone have any solutions on how to work around that?
Also, it looks like 802.1x instead of mac based authentication might allow WOL to work?