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Rfs4000+ap7532 mint l2

Rfs4000+ap7532 mint l2

Hello All,

I have ap7532's adopted to rfs4000 at remote site with mint routing level 2. Aps also with mint mlcp on vlan (control vlan). I expecting from the local rf domain manager AP to make upgrades and all other functions as expected (configured in the profile rfdm capable) , but all the aps are connected to rfs for upgrades ect. Aps having themselves in the vlan neighbors and the rfs in the links.
Seems the local rf domain manager (ap) is not functioning as I am expecting.

Please give me some direction.



Hello Chris,

Ok, but how can I config in ap profile that only one ap is rfdm+level 2 link is only for the only one ap also automatically assigned?



Hello Aviv,
RFDM election is automatic at remote site. Though all APs have MiNT L2 defined in dhcp option 191 or controller host entry, once RFDM AP is elected with L2 link to RFS, the remaining APs will automatically have MiNT L1 with neighboring APs at remote site. No additional configuration is required for this process to work properly.

Hello Christopher,

It's all exactly as you described.
The problem is that all the aps at remote site have the l3 link to rfs and firmware upgrades are directly from Rfs4000 not from the local ap/rfdm.



Aviv, it sounds like maybe the AP Profile for the APs at this site do not have their adoption MINT level correct set or the APs got their controller-host info with an incorrect setting. Either that or maybe the APs at the site do not have a control VLAN that works or is not configured....resulting in every AP thinking that it is the RFDM AP and thus, maintaining their level-2 MINT link connection to the RFS4000.

How do the APs at the site get their controller-host information? (DHCP? DNS? manual configured?)
Did you set a control VLAN (NOT controller VLAN) for the RFDM?

Can you post the result from one of the APs (non-RFDM AP) at the site:
#show mint info