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rfs4000 with ap7632 and ap8432

rfs4000 with ap7632 and ap8432

New Contributor

Hi all,

I have problem with the rfs4000 I already upgraded the code to and I have 2 APs (ap7632 and ap8432) so I connected these 2 APs direct to the rfs4000 and I can see them online through the dashboard and created SSID with broadcast option but I can’t see any things, tried to setup the static IPs but still the same problem. Anyone has a good guide that can I start with to create the SSIDs with Vlans or any information.  

Thank you and appreciated 


Hi Chris,

I tried by enforce them to upgrade by controller but it can notadmin

From where can I check?

You can check to see if the controller has firmware for the AP.

In the GUI, go to the Operations tab at the top.

On the left, expand and highlight the controller

Look on a second toolbar for a tab called “Adopted Device Upgrade” and select it.

Then just below that, look for a button labeled “Device Image File” and select it


Over to the right, you will see a list of the various WING devices.  Find your 2 AP models in that last.

If the Version column says “none”, then the controller doesn’t have the firmware.  If it does, it will list the version (which SHOULD be the same version as the controller).

Hi Chris,

See the attached below. Its NONE! so how can help me about this.



Without a support contract, there’s nothing I can do to help with getting firmware for the APs.