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Hybrid QSFP28 Breakout

Hybrid QSFP28 Breakout

New Contributor III
Hi, I know one 100Gbps QSFP28 can be splitted to 4 25Gbps SFP28 or 2 50Gbps QSFP28 using breakout cable. Is it possible to have both type splitting? What if one or more but not all of them should go to fiber, what item should I use for that? Best regards,

New Contributor III
Hi Oscar,

It seem that what I'm looking is a kind of media converter but with SFP28 to SFP28 or at least SFP28 to SFP+. With that media converter, I can plug a partition of breakout cable on one port and plug a transceiver on other port. It is like but this media converter is for SFP+/XFP. Any suggested one which match my requirement?

Best regards,

Extreme Employee
If you plan to have out of a QSFP28 some 25Gbps lanes as regular fiber to plug into a transceiver (SFP28) and some as passive copper DAC, that doesn't exist (to my knowledge).

Either you plug a QSFP28 DAC/AOC that breakout into 4xSFP28 of the same type, or you use a QSFP28 transceiver (SR4 for example) and you use a breakout cable MPO-to-8xLC, to connect to other transceivers (SFP28).

New Contributor III
Hi Oscar,

How can I get some SFP28 optics and some SFP28 DAC with that module?

Best regards,

Extreme Employee
I think you need this MPO module.
10331 CFP2 100GBASE- SR10 100 Gigabit Ethernet-SR10 CPF2 optical module, MPO connector, 100m link length