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Netsight and High DPI displays

Netsight and High DPI displays

New Contributor II
Okay, so I know this is probably really a Java question but I gotta ask. I can't be the first to run into this. The department just issued me a Del XPS 15 laptop with a really high DPI display. Now all the Netsight apps look like postage stamps. Has anyone found a way to display these apps in readable format? Or am I looking at just running my whiz-bang laptop and a much lower resolution that it is capable of?

Can someone help out a stupid network guy? 

New Contributor III

How about using "oneview" web interface? That is why I have been using for 70% of things thus far. I am running the latest version of 7.

1,1 s/why/what/g (it was suppose to say what, not why)

New Contributor II
Yeah, I read that article last night and a host of others. I added an external monitor and it's acceptable. Not sure what I'm going to do when I go laptop only out in one of the network closets. We'll see.