‎01-18-2022 04:05 AM
after the EOS of the assessment license for ExtremeControl (and so the dismission of the extreme agent) now the only solution for do an asessment on the endpoints is to use a third party solution.
Which is the best solution that works well with Extreme Control and is there some documentation on how to do these integrations?
We have a customer that is looking for a NAC solution that is able also to do assessment of the endpoint before accept on the network (check on AV status and so on...).
‎08-26-2022 06:31 AM
‎08-26-2022 05:38 AM
‎01-18-2022 11:10 AM
Hi Sam,
I'm already in touch with a local SE (I'm italian), but I've tried to check on the community if someone have experiences on that to share with me related to already done implementations of these kind of integrations and what are those reccomended.
I add that on XIQ - Site Engine guide, at the following link:
seems that only nessus server version 6 is supported, but if I see in the download page of Tenable's site, only more recent versions are presents.
Have someone made this kind of integration for the assessment and has some documentation to share for this configuration?
‎01-18-2022 10:18 AM