New Contributor III
since ‎09-07-2021

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Hi everybody,  Has anyone tried to use the physical radio ports 5 and 6 ?  
The after the Upgrade the MESH and after 10 minutes the Mesh is Down.The Root AP Stops the communication.
ExtremeCloud Solution with certificate expired since 13/7/2020 ?Can cam we update the certificate in the ExtremeCloud platform ?  
Hi have expirience some cuts in the MESH connex  communication.I find this message in a Debug log at the time of the failures: Oct 05 20:57:11 2020: %KERN-6-INFO: [23809.745383] FWLOG: [24422273] vap-2 AP PS: AID=4 detected out-of-sync now=24422273 t...
Hi,I’m detecting an corruption comunication between two ROOT AP (AP-ROOT-1 and AP-ROOT-2) connected in the same VLAN, In the same RF Domain, Same profile.RMET 65535 and Hops 0 and the other ROOT sees RMET 102 Hops 1 for the same AP-NONROOT-1.Its seem...
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