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since ‎09-07-2021

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Hi all. We found this error on our S3, while we were watching its logs. Anybody knows what does it mean? <165>May 15 09:51:03 10.X.XXX.X Spantree[1]Packet error on Port = ge.1.XX Data Length = 35017 DSAP = 0x02 SSAP = 0x07 BPDU Protocol I...
Hi all. Is there an easy way to do a check on a C5K125-48 about possible loops on network? Tnx
Hi all. Is it possible on a C5 to write a script (or is available a feature on it) that gets down an Eth interface if it feels another Eth interface has gone down and viceversa? Example: I want port 1 to go down if port 19 has gone down. I want port...