I could see my colleague Naresh has already answered for your queries here. But to add more to this in case if you want to know the PSUs which are all compatible with X460G2 hardware then before adding them to the device better to cross verify this ...
Not sure which KB article you have referred. Anyway here is what i can find the procedure from one of the article mentioned earlier. If not then please refer this for your future reference:https://extremeportal.force.com/ExtrArticleDetail?an=00008295...
Hello Paula,
In continuation with what Tyler had to say on SyncE,adding few things on syncE for your further reference. Referring for more information on Which EXOS Hardware Platforms Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) does support?
Please find below art...
I can see after inserting the : in between the ip address and file path it is working now. Anyway in the future for further reference you can always have a look at below article link which says the correct procedure of implementing this: