Could you link the document that states 2x50G is supported? I cannot seem to find that in the datasheet.I also noticed that there are no 2x50G Breakout cables supported on the 7720 on the optics website.It could be that this support is coming in a fu...
Hi Anthony,Long story short, you may be hitting a bug with the way port numbers are displayed, I'd contact GTAC to investigate.In general, those logs indicate that an ARP entry was learned on one port, then it moved to another. This can happen normal...
Hi!I don't think we have enough information to give you an exact answer, but here is a helpful guide with all needed commands: sure that the DHCP components are not only configured,...
Hi Fritte,I _think_ the answers to your questions are as follows, although it's been a while since I've work with WoL and policy:1) A placeholder VLAN needs to be created and assigned to all ports that may need to receive WoL packets.2) The IP of the...
Hi Ahmed,Check out this article: key points being:A) You need to enable 'vlanauthorization' which will allow the Tunnel Attribute VLAN to be dynamically created as well as dynamica...