New Contributor II
since ā€Ž09-07-2021
2 weeks ago

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I AM TRYING TO CONFIRM THAT THE VARIABLE HAS BEEN CORRECTLY SET BEFORE I CONTINUE CREATING THE REST OF THE SCRIPT.enable cli scriptingset var CLI.OUT " "# Check if this is BMS vlanshow vlanset var output $TCL(lrange ${CLI.OUT} 7 7)If ($MATCH($output,...
replaced our x460GE10 test unit with new X460G4.  Deleted old entry.  Added new entry using the same ip as the g10 had.  The new unit responds to snmpv3 queries from other managers.   In SE it shows "status only" under the License banner and not onbo...
We have a very fluid environment when it comes to port to vlan assignment.  I see that using the command " enable ip-security dhcp-snooping vlan STUDENT_ITTSTAFF_849 ports all violation-action drop-packet block-port duration 15"  enables dhcp-snoopin...
I am not able to clear the violation entry.  I've tried  " clear ip-security dhcp-snooping entries vlan STUDENT_ITTSTAFF_849" and "clear ip-security dhcp-snooping entries STUDENT_ITTSTAFF_849 ports 5"      Neither works. M_RM_4277_SW_TES_EX.dccc.edu....
Question on prempt timing.   Our VRRP is configured the same between two S Cores .  Each closet (25) have 6 vlans / 6 vrrp instances running to each.If my understanding is correct the Master advertisement is (default) one every 1 sec.  1) Does the ba...
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