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since ‎09-07-2021

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Hi community, I am new working with these Exos Switches and I have a Summit X450e-48p in my office and I would like to know the best way to have a setup where the Ethernet cable goes to the IP phone and from the phone to the PC, and have them using ...
I can access the switch via ssh through the Mgmt port. Fine. But what I need to know is how can I access the switch via SSH through any of the front ports, 1 to 48. And is there a way to create different Virtual Routers for each vlan.
I have ssh2 connection to one Exos Summit Extreme x250e 48p on my workplace but the issue is that when I connect to it using putty it takes a long time to write the commands. It stays like paused and after a while, it writes everything from one shot....