New Contributor III
since ‎09-07-2021

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Aerohive switches do not support DHCP server ? Only the access points?
Hivemanager NG I'm getting the attached error message. How do I remove the existing sessions ?
Is there a way for me to see client association history but not only the AP they associated with but also what channel ?
I noticed in HMOL NG that there is an option under Additional Settings --> Management Options and then "Hostname in Beacons". So I'm guessing will need to create a Management Option profile and turn this feature on as well as upgrade the AP's to 8.2...
What are these log entries for? Also "show system proc stat"s hows mdnsd is on the top. 2018-05-17 16:14:47 info   ah_scd: arbitrator ip is updated from to 16:14:47 info   ah_dcd: IDP: arbitrator ip is updated from ...