I want to setup a Guest wireless access using CWP and after authentication the clients will be using the secondary ISP setup instead of the primary ISP.
LOL .. Thanks.. But .. there is always that but.... I have several AP 230's and 250's and i just added anothe 250 but in the map area under iBeacon ID (The Drop down for Device Labels) all the other AP's have there actual NetBios name and the new on...
Sorry I am New to the Aerohive , I am looking to how to setup a Guest Account with a CWP , now for it to go out to a desired ISP , i know to VLAN, its just i see the capabilities in the Aerohive??? or at the Switches outside of the aerohive, or am i...
I guess what i was asking was on the Aerohive , Network PolicySSID User Profiles .. ??? and assign VLAN... ?? to match VLAN traffic on switches?? or ??