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since ‎09-07-2021

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Dear Team, Now we setup AP system use VC. we want when a user that is connected to a captive portal.If the authentication succeeds, the web-browser will be redirected to a link page of customer( example: or not? And how do we do it?...
Hello All, Please help me check: we can setup mesh connection between AP 7662 and AP 7562 or not? If yes send us user guide. Thanks, Alan
Dear Team, I have tried DHCP service setting on AP7602 but not ok. Would you please help me check I created 2 ssid with 2 vlan difference: SSID:Extreme AP7602 - VLAN1: SSID:AP7602_Trial - VLAN2: When I access SSID:AP...
Dear Team, We have meet issue need you help: We have two AP: AP8432 and AP7632. We want configure AP8432 as VC, AP7632 as a client. But the result is not ok. Would you please help us resolve this issue. Thanks, Alan
Dear Team, Please help me resolve this issue: I try to setup Mesh between two APs. One is connected with Ethernet (AP 8432)and one not(AP 7632). . Would you please give me some idea can fix it. many thanks, Alan