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AP 630s that are dropping clients very frequently

AP 630s that are dropping clients very frequently

New Contributor

We have new Aerohive 630s.  We are struggling with keeping clients connected.  I use a scanner and see the radios dropping out from time to time (not regular that I can tell) and then they come back. I also see that clients are connecting to APs in other room with much weaker signal that the APs close to them.  Any help


New Contributor

At this point, I have the power on the 5GHz radios to between 9 and 13 db and the power on the 2.4GHz radios at about 4-9 db. I have been very diligent to make sure there is no channel overlap. I have checked the RSSI numbers and some are as high as -55, but those are the APs with the power at 9 and 4, respectively. I don't know if I can get them lower. I tried turning them off completely, but had mixed luck with that. I can turn up the other radios and cover the area, but that seemed to cause as many problems as it solved. All channels are at 20 Mhz bandwidths. I have also turned off the slower data rates in the 2.4 GHz 11/bg Rate Setting section, 1Mbps-9Mbps, to N/A;in the 5.0 GHz 11a Rate Setting section, 6 Mbps and 9 Mbps to N/A and the 12 Mbps to Basic from Optional.


We seem to be doing much better now.

New Contributor

Great! I hope to have a positive outcome!

Esteemed Contributor III

Correct, -75 to -100 is the ideal range for that RSSI reading on the APs neighbor list. The -60's are considered not the best but not really a problem, but once we start seeing values in the -50's on up to 0, that indicates a neighboring device that is broadcasting too loudly near by.

New Contributor

When you say "Lower than -75", you mean like -90 or so, not -30. We are talking numerically, not in terms of magnitude, yeah?



New Contributor

So when I take the Aerohive APs down and put up an HP AP, with an identical configuration (power, channel and as many setting as are comparable which is admittedly very few) then the clients seem to stay connected.